ISO Ingénierie brings you its expertise in Dependability for the realization of detailed RAMS studies of your systems, subsystems and equipment.
- Reliability forecasting
- Product reliability and electronic boards: IEC 62380 (RDF-2000), FIDES, MIL-HDBK-217F, SN-29500…
- System Reliability
- Operational Reliability, Failure Rate Based on Feedback (REX)
- Availability Forecast
- Reliability Diagram Block (RBD)
- Fault tree analysis
- Monte-Carlo Simulation : Petri nets
- Maintainability Analysis
- MTTR calculations
- Spare parts optimisation
- Maintenance (preventive and corrective) optimisation
- Detailed hardware and software safety analysis, namely:
- Preliminary Risk Analysis (PRA)
- Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Analysis of Common Failure Modes
- Failure Trees, Cause Trees & Event Trees
- Analysis of the Effects of Software Errors (AEEL)
- Consequence Analysis
Our involvement in working groups:
ISO Ingénierie participates in the activities and working groups of the IMdR-SdF association : Institute for Risk Management and RAMS.
Our RAMS software tools:
ISO-Ingénierie uses the ITEM Toolkit (ITEM SOFTWARE) and GRIF (SATODEV) software solutions for the following operational safety tasks:
- Reliability forecast (IEC 62380 module)
- Block Reliability Diagram – Availability calculations
- Availability study
- Failure tree